Military Spouse Jobs


Job Information

Coastal Pines Technical College Dean for Academic Affairs, Secondary Initiatives in Waycross, Georgia

Dean forAcademic Affairs, Secondary Initiatives

Successful applicants will be responsible for coordinating allinstructional requirements for High School Initiatives and as well ascoordinating with the other Academic Deans to meet the objectives of CoastalPines Technical College (CPTC). Inaddition, the Dean reviews and approves all requests for supplies andmaterials; evaluates dual enrollment faculty credentials; trains new dualenrollment faculty; prepares program specifications; prepares and manages theDivisions annual budget; and represents the Division at various internal andexternal meetings. Position begins: Immediately


A minimum of a masters degree in a closelyrelated field from an accredited institution.

Minimum of three years work experience in aclosely related field.

Excellent written and verbal communicationskills.

Preferred Qualifications:

A minimum of three years teaching experiencein postsecondary and/or vocational/technical education.



Coordinates instructional requirementsfor Colleges High School Initiatives, including dual enrollment, acceleratedcareer diploma and joint enrolled programs.


Promotes Colleges High SchoolInitiatives with high school and career academy representatives to increaseenrollments with a target of 2.5 percent per academic year.


Coordinates with Student Affairs,Deans for Academic Affairs, and Institutional Advancement to produce anddistribute appropriate marketing material for the Colleges High SchoolInitiatives.


Collects, analyses, and reports highschool enrollments to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Coordinates with Vice President andDeans for Academic Affairs to conduct program assessments and needs analyses torecommend the development of new instructional programs and the closing of lowenrolled and low interest instructional programs as related the Colleges HighSchool Initiatives.


Coordinates Academic Affairsresponsibilities in student retention as related to the Colleges High SchoolInitiatives.


Coordinates with the DistanceEducation Coordinator to provide support to instructors with courses taught viathe Colleges distance education system.

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