Military Spouse Jobs


Job Information

City of Reno Lateral Police Officer in Reno, Nevada

POSITION:Lateral Police Officer

SCHEDULE: Full-time


SALARY:$68,619.20 - $93,995.20 Yr.

Closing Date: Continuous


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This open competitive opportunity is for qualified law enforcement officers who are interested in continuing their careers in public safety with an organization dedicated to providing quality service to the community.



Applicants must meet all requirements at the time of application.Education:

  • High School Diploma or equivalent.


  • Two years of patrol experience (may include probationary time)OR
  • Successful completion of the Northern Nevada Law Enforcement Academy (NNLEA)

License and Certificate:

  • Possess and maintain the equivalent to a valid Nevada Class C drivers license at the time of application and at time of hire.
  • Possession of a Nevada POST Category 1 Certificate, or an out-of-state POST Category 1 Certificate which has reciprocity with Nevada. Basic Certificate must be in good standing.

*If seeking reciprocity, employment as a Peace Officer (ex. Patrol Officer, street cop, etc.) in a reciprocity state or approved federal program as an equivalent to a Nevada Category 1 Peace Officer must be within the last 60 months (Detention and Corrections of any kind does not qualify for reciprocity)Other Requirements:

  • Must be 21 years of age at time of appointment
  • Must be a citizen of the United States
  • Must pass the Nevada POST Physical Fitness Test, per NAC 289.
  • Non NV POST holders must pass the online Reciprocity course, per NAC 289.
  • Non NV POST holders must pass the Nevada State Certification exam, per NAC 289.


Upon successful completion of the Reno Police Lateral Academy, Police Officers are placed into the Police Training Officer (PTO) Program.

Patrols an assigned area on foot, in a patrol car, on a motorcycle or other means of transportation; checks stores, businesses, houses, and other premises for burglary, and other disturbances; investigates any suspicious conditions.

Makes arrests for violation of laws or ordinances; escorts prisoners to incarceration; and may register and book prisoners.

Prepares record of arrest and submits detailed reports of investigation made; responds to complaints; controls crowds; cooperates with other law enforcement officers.

Enforces traffic and parking regulations; directs traffic; investigates traffic accidents and obtains information incidental to the event; as assigned, serves as an escort; transfers prisoners; administers first aid in emergency situations.

Maintains relations with community through periodic meetings; may assist in the supervision and training of new recruits.

Assists the public by locating lost children and pets; assists motorists with stolen vehicles; observes traffic hazards and makes recommendations for their correction.

Keeps records and makes reports; assists superiors in their work and may act for them in their absence.

Attends training courses and instructional meetings; may be called on at any time for emergency duties; may assist other emergency personnel as needed.

Makes initial and supplementary investigation of crimes in areas such as personal violence, theft, checks intelligence, juvenile, and others; investigates cases involving missing persons, lost children, and runaways; interviews witnesses and complainants.

Collects material evidence and does crime scene work; takes photographs; performs surveillance of persons and places; apprehends, interviews, and arrests suspects; prepares and submits reports; testifies at hearings and in court; assists other jurisdictions and agencies.

Participates in undercover investigation of narcotics, gambling, subversive activities, vice, racial disturbances, and other activities, violations, and crimes.

Makes investigations to determine whether juvenile offenders should be returned to the custody of the home, given a formal hearing, referred to a social agency or to juvenile court; works with social agencies, schools, and groups.

Gives speeches, lectures, and demonstrations; keeps records and logs; acts as training officer for recruit police personnel in the basic patrol
