Military Spouse Jobs


Job Information

Wade Shows, Inc. AMUSEMENT & RECREATION ATTENDANTS in Pinckney, Michigan

9142B F.a.1) SWA JOB ORDER

ONE: Employer Name and Contact Information

Business Name: Wade Shows, Inc.

Physical Address: 4277 E M-36, Pinckney MI 48169

Mailing Address: PO Box 51730, Livonia, MI 48151

FEIN: 59-3308580

Employer Job Phone Number: 734-266-1668

Employer Job Email:

Employer Job Web Portal:

TWO: This job opportunity is a temporary, full-time position.

Number of job openings to be filled: 79

THREE: Job Opportunity

Job Title: Amusement & Recreation Attendants, itinerant carnival.

Duties: Perform variety of attending duties at amusement facility. Set-up, tear-down, operate amusement rides, food concessions and/or games.

Minimum Education Required: None.

Minimum Experience Required: None.

Work Hours & Days: Work schedule varies widely, typically 40 H/W Wed-Sun, 1:00PM to 10:00PM.

Anticipated Start Date of Job Opportunity: 4/1/2025

Anticipated End Date of Job Opportunity: 10/31/2025

Other requirements: Post-employment random drug testing and background checks may be required, at no cost to the worker. The job requires the applicant to be qualified, ready, willing, able, and available to perform during the entire employment at all the designated worksites; and to follow workplace rules.

FOUR: Geographic Area of Intended Employment:

Work starts in Livingston County, MI with additional work to follow in various locations along an itinerary in: Bexar, Maverick , Atascosa, Nueces Counties TX; Wayne County MI; Harris County TX; Macomb County MI; Aransas County TX; Livingston County MI; Boone, St Charles Counties MO; Lucas County OH; Oakland County MI; Saint Louis, Jefferson, Greene Counties MO; Branch County MI; Wayne County PA; Pettis County MO; Kent, Berrien Counties MI; Hall County NE; Jackson County MO; Oklahoma County OK; Montgomery County AL; Lee County FL; Jones County MS

Must commute from home at prior worksite, to next worksite. Optional transportation offered by the employer at no cost to the worker.

FIVE: Wage that the employer is offering:

Employer will pay the prevailing hourly wage for each work location, ranging from $10.38 to $14.65, as per the prevailing wage determination.

Merit increases and/or bonuses may be awarded at employer discretion.

(The wage offer will equal or exceed the highest of the prevailing wage or the Federal, State or Local minimum wage in effect during employment).

SIX: Overtime:

Equal Opportunity, FLSA (13)(a)(3) exempt employer not subject to Federal hourly wage, overtime or recordkeeping requirements. No overtime expected. Overtime, if any, calculated and paid as per applicable regulations.

SEVEN: On the Job Training?

On-the-job training will be provided

EIGHT: Wage Computation.

The employer will use a single workweek as its standard for computing wages due.

NINE: Pay Frequency:

Wages will be paid on a weekly basis.

TEN: Board, Lodging, other facilities, including fringe benefits.

Optional mobile housing (valued at $100.00 per week) and local convenience travel (valued at $25.00 per week) are available for wage credit and/or deduction, or any lesser amount to the maximum extent allowed by law. The employer will pay the cost of lodging to the extent such costs would reduce pay below the legally required minimum wage rate for the areas of intended employment.

ELEVEN: Deductions from Pay:

Employer will make all deductions from the worker's paycheck required by law. In addit
