Military Spouse Jobs


Job Information

Arkansas State University Development Advancement Specialist in Jonesboro, Arkansas

Job Details

Please note: all position postings close at 12:00 A.M. CST on the position closing date

Development Advancement Specialist

Working Title Assistant AD for Annual Fund & Premium Seating

Position # A00428

Department Athletic Advancement

Apply Now (

Employment Status:

Full time (29-40 Hrs)

Type of Employment:


# of openings:




Proposed Salary Range:

Commensurate with Experience



Please note: All postings close at 12 A.M. CST on the closing date. A-State participates in E-Verify.

Position Summary:

Arkansas State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of excellence and diversity among its faculty and staff. In pursuit of this commitment, Arkansas State University-Jonesboro, a Football Bowl Subdivision member of the Sun Belt Conference that sponsors 16 sports, seeks applicants for an Assistant AD for Annual Fund & Premium Seating.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate the growth and development of the annual fund, including implementation of benefits, new members, and maximizing revenue generation.

  • Oversee premium seating, including new sales, renewals, and acting as main point of contact with current premium seating donors.

  • Works closely with and assists the Director of Ticketing & Annual Giving regarding all ticketing and parking processes.

  • Ma n a g e a small por t f o l i o of d o n o r s and pr o s pec t s , as defined b y working with the Red Wolves Foundation, f r o m i nitial i d e ntifi c a t i o n , discovery, cultivatio n , prop o s al developmen t , s olicitation and thr o u g h s t e w a r d s hi p , d e v elopi n g p l a n s and progra m s to maximize g ift revenue for major gifts and annual fund contributions.

  • Assist with special events involving fundraising, donor relations, and gameday experience.

  • De v e l op a tho r ou g h un d e r s tandi n g o f the annual givi n g/ticket priority/premium seating p r o g r am.

  • Support and work with ASU Athletics coaches and their staffs to coordinate fundraising efforts, plans, and initiatives for their respective sports.

  • Ini t iate a nd facilitate colle g i al and cooper a tive r e latio n s hi p s and open communications with other ASU Advancement staf f , and other U niversi t y and Athletic s p or t s pro g ra m s a n d d ep a rt m e n t s in adv a ncing the mi s s io n , phil o sop h y, and objectives of t h e D e par t m e nt of Intercollegiate A th l eti cs.

  • D evelop spe c ific w orking kno w l edge of relevant Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and Red Wolves Foundation c o mpu t er sy s te m s n e cessary in completion of d a y -to-day business. As directed a nd n e ede d , cre a t e o r assemble d o c ume n ts or r e ports for either internal or external uses in adv a n c ing or ev a luati n g Athlet i c d ev e lopment.

  • Participate in a ll dev e l o p me n t efforts with t h e ASU Advancement team and comply w ith all reporting and a c cou n t a bi l ity st a n d a r ds.

  • Maint a in knowledge of an d comply w i t h a ll ru l e s , r e g ulatio n s, polici e s and guidelines of the Red Wolves Foundation, Arkansas State U n i ver s ity, the Sun Belt Conference and the NCA A .

  • Ma n age s e n s it i ve and c o nfident i al informati o n r e l a ted to donor s , ticket holde r s, s tudent-athlete s , co a ches a nd s t a f f uti l i z i n g discret i o n a nd c o r rect d e c i s io n s.

  • Execute re l at e d duti e s of ASU Athletics, as req u e s ted o r as s igned by t h e Vice Chancellor for Intercollegiate Athletics and/or the Deputy Athletic Director for Development & Revenue Generation.


Maintain high standard of ethics and integrity related to intercollegiate athletics

Demonstrated knowledge of NCAA Division I intercollegiate athletics

Demonstrated knowledge of development or fundraising concepts

Demonstrated knowledge of NCAA and conference guidelines, policies, rules and regulations with the ability to interpret, apply, enforce and explain such policies and rules

Maintain knowledge of Arkansas State Athletics and University policies and procedures

Exhibit strong creative, organizational and interpersonal skills

Demonstrated ability to maintain and develop personal relationships with all the Athletic Department's many constituencies, including donors, prospects, ticket holders, fans, student-athletes, professional representatives, coaches, vendors, media, and the University community

Manage professional and personal time to handle time sensitive-issues, tight deadlines, extended hours beyond the normal workday, including frequent weekend work, travel, and on-call availability

Demonstrated ability to drive and travel via motor vehicle and airplane

General Days/Hours:

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Additional hours as requested and/or needed

Regular and reliable attendance


Please note: all position postings close at 12:00 A.M. CST on the position closing date

Minimum Qualifications:

Bachelor's degree required; Master's degree is preferred

Three (3) - five (5) years of experience in an athletics development setting preferred

Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite is required and experience in web design (Is this a necessary thing) and donor/ticket software are a plus

Previous experience with fundraising and ticket sales is preferred

E-Verify Participation Notice:

E-Verify Right to Work:
