Job Information
West Virginia Employer Senior Resident Project Representative in Beckley, West Virginia
Project Location: Piney View, WV Employment Type: Full time, Contract Project Duration: 1 year Start Date: TBD Salary: Contingent upon Experience Description: Resident Project Representative (RPR) is ENGINEER's agent at the site, will act as directed by and under the supervision of ENGINEER, and will confer with ENGINEER regarding RPR's actions. RPR's dealings in matters pertaining to the on-site work shall in general be with ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR keeping OWNER advised as necessary. RPR's dealings with sub-contractors shall only be through or with the full knowledge and approval of Contractor. RPR shall generally communicate with OWNER with the knowledge of and under the direction of ENGINEER. The project will include the construction of sewage lines, a lift station, and all appurtenances necessary to provide a complete and workable system in accordance with the contract documents. Duties and Responsibilities may include: 1. Schedules: Review the progress schedule and schedule of values prepared by Contractor and consult with ENGINEER concerning acceptability. 2. Conferences and Meetings: Attend meetings with CONTRACTOR, such as pre-construction conferences, progress meetings, job conferences and other project-related meetings. 3. Liaison: A. Serve as ENGINEER's liaison with Contractor(s), working principally through Contractor(s) superintendent and assist in understanding the intent of the Contract Documents; and assist ENGINEER in serving as OWNER's liaison with Contractor(s) when Contractor(s) operations affect OWNER's on-site operations. B. Assist in obtaining from OWNER additional details or information when required for proper execution of the work 4. Shop Drawings and Samples A. Receive and file copies of shop drawings and samples, after review by ENGINEER. B. Advise ENGINEER and Contractor(s) of the commencement of any Work requiring a Shop Drawing or sample if the submittal has not been approved by ENGINEER. 5. Review of Work, Rejection of Defective Work, Inspections and Tests: A. Conduct on-site observations of the Work in progress to assist ENGINEER in determining if the Work is in general proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Report to ENGINEER whenever RPR believes that any Work is unsatisfactory, faulty or defective or does not conform to the Contract Documents, or has been damaged, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, tests or approval required to be made and advise ENGINEER of Work that RPR believes should be corrected or rejected or should be uncovered for observation, or requires special testing, inspection or approval. C. Verify that tests, equipment and systems start-ups and operating and maintenance training are conducted in the presence of appropriate personnel, and that Contractor(s) maintains adequate records thereof; and details relative to the test procedures an start-ups. D. Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having jurisdiction over the Project, record the results of these inspections and report to Engineer. 6. Interpretation of Contract Documents: Report to ENGINEER when clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents are needed and transmit to Contractor(s) clarifications and interpretations as issued by ENGINEER. 7. Modifications: Consider and evaluate Contractor(s) suggestions for modifications in Drawings or Specifications and report with RPR's recommendations to ENGINEER. Transmit to Contractor decisions as issued by ENGINEER. 8. Records: A. Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports of job conferences, Shop Drawings and samples, reproductions of original Contract Documents including all Work Directive Changes, Addenda, Change Orders, Field Orders, additional Drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the Contract Documents, progress reports, and other Project related documents. B. Keep a diary or log book, recording Contractor(s) hours on the job site, weather conditions, data relat ve to questions of Work Directive Changes, Change Orders or changed conditions, list of job site visitors, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test procedures; and send copies to ENGINEER. C. Record names, addresses and telephone numbers of all Contractor(s), subcontractors and major suppliers of materials and equipment. 9. Reports: A. Furnish ENGINEER periodic reports as required of progress of the Work and of Contractor(s) compliance with the progress schedule and schedule of Shop Drawing and sample submittals. B. Consult with ENGINEER in advance of scheduled major tests, inspections or start of important phases of the Work. C. Draft proposed Change Orders and Work Directive Changes, obtaining backup material from Contractor and recommend to ENGINEER Change Orders, Work Directive Changes, and Field Orders. D. Report immediately to ENGINEER and OWNER upon the occurrence of any accident. 10. Payment Requests: Review applications for payment with Contractor(s) for compliance with the established procedure for their submission and forward with recommendations to ENGINEER, noting particularly the relationship of the payment requested to the schedule of values, Work completed and materials and equipment delivered at the site but not incorporated in the Work. 11. Certificates, Maintenance and Operation Manuals: During the course of the Work, verify that certificates, maintenance and operation manuals and other data required to be assembled and furnished by Contractor(s) are applicable to the items actually installed and in accordance with the Contract Documents, and have this material delivered to ENGINEER for review and forwarding to OWNER prior to final payment for the Work. 12. Completion: A. Before ENGINEER issues a Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit to Contractor(s) a list of observed items requiring completion or correction. B. Conduct final inspection in the company of ENGINEER, OWNER and Contractor(s) and prepare a final list of items to be completed or corrected. C. Observe that all items on final list have been completed or corrected and make recommendations to ENGINEER concerning acceptance. Limitations of Authority: Resident Project Representative: 1. Shall not authorize any deviation from the Contract Documents or substitution of materials or equipment, unless authorized by ENGINEER. 2. Shall not exceed limitations of ENGINEER's authority as set forth in the Contract Documents. 3. Shall not undertake any of the responsibilities of Contractor(s), subcontractors or Contractor(s) superintendent. 4. Shall not advise on, issue directions relative to or assume control over any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction unless such advice or directions are specifically required by the Contract's Documents. 5. Shall not advise on, issue directions regarding or assume control over safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. 6. Shall not authorize OWNER to occupy the Project in whole or in part. 7. Shall not participate in specialized field or laboratory tests or inspections conducted by others except as specifically authorized by ENGINEER. Qualifications: Experience with the construction of water and wastewater systems including treatment facilities, transmission, distribution, and collections. Experience with field Inspections, daily diary documentation, payment documentation. Knowledge of Microsoft Office and CADD. Strong written and verbal communication skills. Solid organizational skills. Critical thinking and analysis. Must possess a valid drivers license. Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Management preferred, but not necessary.