Military Spouse Jobs


Job Information

Knowledge Builders Inc. Mail Clerks-23246 in Albany, New York

Mail Clerks-23246

  • Full-time

  • 900 Watervliet-Shaker Rd, Albany, NY 12205

    • Work Requirements
Work tasks include but are not limited to the following, listed in order of importance:

  • Receiving and unpacking secure mail

  • Alphabetizing and organizing information

  • Using scanning machines

  • Secure Data entry and lookup

  • Basic e-mail communication

  • Record/notes keeping

  • Paper filing

Experience of NYS assessments are helpful but not required. This person will work collaboratively with other to process 500 schools answer sheets throughout the entire project. Training will be provided for all processes and procedures. Due to the time sensitive nature of school assessment data, this work is steady paced and intense with defined deadlines. Applicants must be able to handle the demands of the work environment. Applicants are required to have reliable transportation as the work location is not on a direct bus line. All applicants will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement due to the nature of the documents being handled. Positions are full time, Monday – Friday, at 37.5 hours/week. Each daily schedule includes a thirty-minute lunch and two ten-minute breaks Overtime is not anticipated

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